0.54368901 is the tribonacci constant conjugate.
The tribonacci constant conjugate makes an appearance at the intersection of y=x1x and a unit circle.
Table of contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Proof
  3. Geometric construction
    by Xerardo Niera
  4. References
  5. Links


The tribonacci numbers are defined by the recurrence relation


where the initial terms are q0=0, q1=0 and q2=1 [1]. The first few tribonacci numbers are


(sequence A000073 in the OEIS)

The name tribonacci was given by a fourteen-year old junior high student Mark Feinberg in his paper "Fibonacci-Tribonacci" published by Fibonacci Quarterly in 1963 [1].

"The series was first described formally by Agronomof in 1914" [Wikipedia] but an earlier documented case of its use can be traced to Charles Darwin in the Origin of Species to describe the hypothetical population growth of elephants [2]. The problem limited reproductive elephants to three consecutive generations.

Like the Fibonacci numbers, the tribonacci numbers are convergent. The ratio of consecutive terms qn+1qn converges to 1.83928675, known as the tribonacci constant [1]. The reciprocal of the tribonacci constant is 0.54368901.


We first define the two equations that are to intersect. The first equation is


and the second equation is for the unit circle


To find the intersections between y=x1x and the unit circle we substitute equation (1) into equation (2):


and simplified is x42x+1=0. Solving for x we have



The real intersection points are (1,0) and (0.543689,0.839286).

To check our answer we substitute (0.543689,0.839286) into equation (2) and we have


Geometric construction

Source: Wikipedia

A geometric construction of the tribonacci constant with marked ruler and compass

by Xerardo Neira
Download paper

We first draw a unit circle with origin at A, and then a straight line, the vertical tangent passing through B: now, we must put the marked ruler against the circle as another tangent, while putting the marks for the length of the radius on the AB line and the tangent passing through B, creating point C, point D and point E. Now, let's call segment AC as t: so, we can see two equations for the angle BCD, sin(BCD)=1t and cos(BCD)=1t1 , and, from sin2+cos2=1 , that leads to a quartic equation, t42t3+1=0 , which has the next factorization:

This equation has two solutions: the first one, for (t1) , it will be evidently t=1 , that is, the tangent on the unit circle; and the other one, for (t3t2t1) , as we established at the beginning of this article, has only one real solution, that is, the tribonacci constant. Quod erat demonstrandum.


  1. Mark Feinberg, Fibonacci-Tetranacci, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 1.3, 71-74 (1963).
  2. Podani, János; Kun, Ádám; Szilágyi, András, "How Fast Does Darwin's Elephant Population Grow?" (PDF). Journal of the History of Biology, 51.2, 259-281 (2018). doi:10.1007/s10739-017-9488-5
  1. The Tremendous Tribonacci constant (tpiezas.wordpress.com)